Building a Twitter Clone with Phoenix (Elixir)

· #coding

(Work in Progress)

This blog post is being updated as i’m progressing through the project and implementing new features and learning new things

Preparing Project

1. Install latest Phoenix version (from github, with special features)

$ git clone $ cd phoenix/installer $ mix archive.install

2. Create the project (tuita is project’s name)

$ mix tuita --live

3. Configure project

Timeline is the main field, which will be composed of Tuites (called tuites on the database, and will contain the fields marked as bold on the command (username, body, fav_count and retuite_count).

$ mix Timeline Tuite tuites username body fav_count:integer retuite_count:integer

4. Add live routes to scope

    live "/tuites", TuiteLive.Index, :index
    live "/tuites/new", TuiteLive.Index, :new
    live "/tuites/:id/edit", TuiteLive.Index, :edit

    live "/tuites/:id", TuiteLive.Show, :show
    live "/tuites/:id/show/edit", TuiteLive.Show, :edit

5. Create and migrate Database

$ mix ecto.create

$ mix ecto.migrate

6. Running server

$ mix phx.server

Now we visit localhost:4000 and there it is, our newly (and ridiculously fast) created blog style website with live update. As simple as that.

Project Structure

Input Validation

After removing the unnecessary fields from form_component.html.leex and leaving just the body, proceeding to the validation of those fields on tuite.ex. Adding validation is as simple as modifying the following lines on that file:

      @doc false
      def changeset(tuite, attrs) do
        |> cast(attrs, [:body])
        |> validate_required([:body])
        |> validate_length(:body, min: 2, max: 275)

Live Updates

Working with this Phoenix’s LiveView module allows us to automatically render the page with the newly created data, without the need to completely refresh the page. Using LiveView, only the necessary data is passed on this broadcast, keeping the internet usage pretty low.


(Work in Progress)

This blog post is being updated as i’m progressing through the project and implementing new features and learning new things