• on software testing

    time is scarce and everything must be done at the speed of light, there's no time for testing. the thing is, the time you spent writing tests now, is the time you'll save later

    July 29, 2021

  • Do NOT Store your API Keys on Frontend

    Multiple times I'm asked what is the best way to store and access Secret Keys - such as API keys - on a React application. There's a couple of things you can do to \"hide\" your keys and actually make them harder to access

    February 28, 2021

  • Building a Financial Portfolio Tracker - Introduction and Architecture

    I decided to embrace in a new side project, something that could be large enough to cover all the areas needed in software development. A short - and lonely - brainstorm led to an idea that can be expanded almost infinitely. I decided to build a Financial Portfolio Manager

    February 15, 2021